You are invited to join us from February 19-23 for our annual Missions Conference. We will have events for the whole family that are designed to offer you opportunities to engage with our missionaries and learn more about what the Lord is doing around the world.
We welcome Rev. Dr. Arturo Terrazas as our missions conference speaker this year. Arturo is originally from Monterrey, Mexico, where he studied and completed his law degree at the Technological and Higher Studies Institute of Monterrey (ITESM). He then earned his MDiv from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, and his PhD from the University of Barcelona in Spain. Arturo currently serves as the Academic Dean of the International Faculty of Theology at IBSTE Seminary in Barcelona. He is a professor of Old Testament, Biblical Hebrew, and Biblical Archaeology. He is also an ordained minister with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Spain.
Wednesday, February 19 - Click HERE to sign up.
5:00 - 5:30pm - Meet and Greet with our visiting missionaries and ministries. Light dinner will be provided. Location: Classroom A/B
5:30 - 6:15pm - International Insights - We will hear from two of our missionary families.
6:30 - 7:30pm - Missions Conference kick-off. We will introduce our visiting missionaries and gather for worship and hear a message from Rev. Dr. Arturo Terrazas. Location: Worship Center
Saturday, February 22
8:00am - Men's Missions Breakfast (The Basement) - guest speaker will be Marty Thompson from Missional Living Click HERE to sign up.
12:00pm - Women's Missions Lunch (Adult Classroom area) - guest speaker will be Adair Evans with Mission to the World in Germany. Click HERE to sign up.
Sunday, February 23
9:30 and 11:00am - Worship Service - Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Arturo Terrazas
9:30 and 11:00am - Sunday School
International Insights
9:30am - Ben & Yanina Hornback; Matt & Khakki Bonner
11:00am - Eric & Beth Yodis; Jonah
6:00pm - 7:00pm - We will gather for evening worship, hear a message from Rev. Dr. Arturo Terrazas, and close out our missions conference.
Matt and Kelly Rogers - Tri-Grace Ministries - Utah
Adair Evans - Mission to the World - Germany
Jonah - Pioneers
Bekah Ochs - New International - Knoxville
Eric and Beth Yodis - World Venture - Ukraine
Matt and Khakki Bonner - Equipping Leaders International (ELI) - Muslim Context
Joel and Sarah McCall - Equipping Leaders International (ELI) - East Africa
Alex and Maggie Halbert - Mission to the World - Honduras
Ben and Yanina Hornback - Global Service Network
Philip & Joy Kirkland - Mission to the World - Greece
Knoxville Internationals Network - Care for and ministry to internationals
Missional Living - Missionary care
Hank & Gloria Rader - Crossroads Chapel - Ministry to truckers