Christ Covenant, 

The Book of Psalms is such a rich devotional book that God has given us! It is considered the official hymnbook of the Bible. Its purpose was and is to provide God’s people with a collection of songs for worship that is appropriate to many different types of situations. For example, there are psalms of lament, praise, thanksgiving, wisdom, penitential, liturgical, and imprecatory. These songs are meant to enliven our faith and renew our strength. 

This year, I have put together a reading plan to follow each week. Along with a scheduled reading, I have included a memory verse and the call to worship that we will recite on Sunday mornings. The translation I use for most of it is the English Standard Version (ESV); however, some of the memory verses are taken from the New International Version (1984). I grew up reading and memorizing the NIV, and I appreciate several verses from this translation. Printed copies are available on tables in the worship center foyer and hallways, or you can click HERE for a PDF version. 

I encourage you to join me in reading Psalms this year whether it is in your personal devotions or family worship. May God strengthen your heart and nourish your soul! 

In Christ Jesus, 