
Partnership Meeting

In late November CIT hosted the annual Partner meeting of the 17 mission agencies who have partnered together with us to provide excellent cross-cultural training. We celebrated our 20th year of Partnering together!  847 years of faithful organizational missionary service were represented by the agencies attending the meeting.

Together we dialogued and prayed about the current trends and needs in missionary training. Flowing out of this discussion a Survey Monkey questionnaire has been distributed to stateside staff and expatriate field leaders seeking their input that will help shape future development of our program. We are also hoping to receive input and insight from national leaders in various countries.  

What a privilege to work together!

Teen Debrief

schf2Kathy led the Teen Debrief program in December for missionary teens who have returned from the field for a short time or permanently.  She had 7 that attended.  We purposefully keep this group small for the sake of sharing their stories.  The following are quotes from a letter of appreciation she received from the teens themselves:

"Thank you for what you all do at CIT.  I can imagine that some people don't appreciate what you guys do as much since you are not on the "front lines".  But I want to remind you that you are the ones who keep us on the "front lines!"

"I love how you are understanding about TCK's (Third Culture Kids).  My friends don't even know what a TCK is. You're the best TCK teacher EVER!"

"  …..what we have learned about who we are as TCKs is unforgettable and very meaningful to me personally.  So I thank you so much as a teacher and miss you as a friend."

"… wall by my bed has a bunch of TCK papers on it.  I'm definitely going to come back to CIT.  I have to….I miss you so much."

As you can imagine, Kathy spent quite a bit of time in tears and prayer for these wonderful young people whose families have followed the Lord to foreign countries.It is a very emotional time to hear their stories and help them process all that they have experienced. And most of all, to help them see God in all of it.

Prayer Requests

- New TCK Director to replace Kathy
- The CIT Executive Director resigned in December.  Some of his responsibilities have fallen to George.
- Good response to Survey Monkey questionnaire
- Effective service in upcoming mission’s conferences

George and Kathy Schultz
UWM - North Carolina