Reopening with Caution

CIT has made the decision to open training again in late June. Surprisingly, with all the risks and concerns, registrations have been strong. In fact, we are full now with waiting lists for the summer and fall!  God is sending us His servants who are willing to embrace the risk of COVID as one of the many risks they will face in the future as they serve Him around the world. We also have a terrific staff willing to embrace the risk of COVID to carry on this ministry.

We have given incoming students our expectations for care before coming and protocols once they arrive here.  Would you please pray:
 - The Lord will give us wisdom for daily decisions that have to be made as events unfold
 - That we will be protected from the Virus
 - Transformation of hearts and minds will occur as learning takes place

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In preparing for the upcoming term we are having to make some significant facilities adjustments to honor social distancing requirements and provide for healthy protocols. To maintain social distancing and meet the conservative requirements of the NC governor we have made the decision to move our training to the dining hall, which is a much bigger room. However, we have had to replace the 30+ year old HVAC unit to accommodate better air circulation. The upside is that it will have a virus protection unit built in to kill viruses.

sch ju2We unexpectedly got the opportunity to finally refinish and restore the inside of our 20,000-gallon water tank. This was much overdue (several years), and we were struggling to find a time to do this when the campus occupancy was low. The Lord worked this out beautifully with the COVID shutdown. 

Personal note

Life has been tumultuous these days in our lives and country. There are so many needs all around us. May God give us all wisdom as we navigate these challenging times and give us opportunities to engage others in healthy ways. Pray for us to have the mind of Christ in all things.
And thank you for your support and encouragement.

George and Kathy Schultz
Center for Inter-cultural Training