

God moved in this conference last year (above).  Preparations are now underway to soon return.

This year is a first for me involving a change of summer schedule. Typically I teach for a month in the summer but the Lord wasn't giving me a peace about the last two weeks in Uganda.  A border dispute has been brewing resulting in refusals to allow some Rwandans and Ugandans to cross the border.  Since I would be flying from Rwanda into Uganda on a Rwandan airline, after seeking counsel, I decided to postpone my trip to Uganda until early fall which will allow me to fly directly from the USA into Uganda. Additionally, I was lacking one team member for the last two weeks in Uganda.

Clarity on this schedule has allowed my focus to remain solely on the development of a school in Rwanda.  Please pray for this huge opportunity.


Recently a young pastor I know lost everything in his fields from flooding rains. His crops were destroyed and his small house was impacted. Though this young pastor serves a large church of 900, yet his entire family has been left on the verge of starvation.  Literally.  But this has raised a larger issue.  God seemed to be speaking to me about the matter of the role of the larger body of Christ in Africa with regard to their grasp of stewardship.

I have been in too many conversations with Africans over the last year concerning the need for understanding God's Word on life and resources.  Poverty isn't just a matter of funding. Indeed, poverty is widespread and profound. Many destitute pastors are caught in the middle.  How does a pastor minister to destitute believers and also meet his responsibility of providing for family?  It is still true that Christ promises to meet all the needs of His children.

So it was time to speak into their world.   Every believer is called to live as Stewards of God's resources.  We won't be talking simply about money, rather, this is about all of life.  So over the last month I have been working on editing and further developing a new course on stewardship.

As I have counseled pastors through their family and ministry hardships, it has broken my heart.  They love Jesus in ways that are similar to the early church believers.  Add to this, the confusion of the false teachings of the Prosperity Gospel (imported in from the USA). Many churches have been shredded by these false teachings.  Even the Rwandan government itself has publicly spoken about their concern to stop the abuse of such errors.

So after years of listening to our brothers overseas, I believe Christ has moved me and the team to speak God's Word into this need. Many years ago I taught a similar course with a team and a year later learned that indeed the instruction had taken root in a powerful way. I am praying that He will do even greater things again in this new region.

This course will impact their entire understanding of Life and Minstry!
The Lord has provided an awesome team: Seth Hammond, our Lead Pastor at Christ Covenant Church in Knoxville along with an outstanding Elder, Mitchell Moore.  It will be an honor to serve with these two gifted teachers.


Please pray:
- With Gratitude to the Lord who closed the deficit I experienced after my last trip to Rwanda. (Thank you for your prayers and financial partnership!)
- For the team as we are meeting and preparing for the teaching sessions.
- Interceding for the Father to provide the remaining $3800 towards the Conference.

Joel McCall - ELI