mccalls dec17
Merry Christmas from Joel and Sarah

In the midst of the rush and celebration with family and friends, our eyes are drawn to another family who uniquely celebrated Jesus' arrival in a special place. God sent to the Temple an old man named Simeon to greet the Savior Child...

...And he (Simeon) came in the Spirit into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law, he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said,

"Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace,according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel."

And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him. (Lk. 2:25-33 ESV)

This story is still expanding to the whole earth. What a privilege to live in this day as we partner with the Father.  Christ continues his work through us!

I am in final preparations for carrying this same rich message of Christ to Uganda on January 6th.  Please lift me and Jim Barnes up in prayer.  Also intercede for the pastors who will be present.  Pray the Lord will burn a disciplemaking vision into their hearts.

I have purchased a device for a pastor named David from the northern border of Uganda next to Kenya.  I invited him to a conference this past summer. This man is extremely poor and lives in a war zone that still experiences attacks from another tribe.

Over the last five months, this pastor has begged me to help him learn God's Word. In consultation with an organization named Third Millennium Ministries, for $120 I purchased a child's tablet and installed a micro card.  On this card is an entire year's worth of seminary education! It contains vocal and video lectures along with all the written notes.  I'm amazed.

Thank God for His gift of Jesus Christ.

Praise Him for His faithfulness and your partnership in the year 2017.

God's provision for January training at the University: $1000.00 still needed.

Joel McCall
Equipping Leaders International