Bolivian Ministry Opportunity
Returning to the Land of My Father's Birth

When I entered the ministry many years ago, I promised the Lord I would go wherever He sent me. Unexpectedly, He is sending me to Bolivia! I am fascinated by this providential opportunity because I will be returning to the very country and region where my grandparents served as missionaries.
steer parents

Jason and Emily Steere (pictured above) ministered with the Bolivian Indian Mission in Arque near Cochabamba in the 1920's and 30's, and my father was born there in 1923. No doubt this was one of the factors that later led my parents to become missionaries to Brazil, where I was born in 1953. So, I have some pretty significant South American roots and I look forward to returning – the 3rd generation of my family to minister there.

Gospel Through Colombia sponsors a seminary in Cochabamba and has asked me to teach Old Testament Survey to their seminary students – the same thing I do in West Africa, just in a different location. As in West Africa and most of the Majority World, these students are already pastors and church leaders, so their interest will be very practical. I have also been told that they will bring their families along with them to the class, so I will be teaching spouses and children as well!

This opportunity in no way diminishes our commitment to ministry in Ghana and Nigeria. In fact, we are praying the Lord will enable us to increase the time we spend in West Africa in 2017. There are new locations in both Ghana and Nigeria that are asking for ELI conferences. It will require an increase in time – and more instructors – to meet these requests. But in addition, Gospel Through Colombia has already asked me to give them dates in 2017 when I will be able to teach in South America.

This abundance of opportunities creates an interesting challenge to our faith. Our work is totally dependent upon the Lord’s provision through friends like you. But as our opportunities for ministry are increasing, we are aware of several providential circumstances that will result in a significant decrease in our support in 2017. Please join us in prayer that God will continue to provide for already-existing ministry obligations and also an abundant increase so we can expand into these new areas of ministry.

Items for Prayer:
-Praise God for answering prayer for an overdue visa for Bolivia! Ask Him also to provide the funds for in-country expenses for this time in Cochabamba.
-Thank God for the increased ministry opportunities He is providing.
-We need wisdom and provision for both scheduling and staffing for 2017.
-Ask the Lord for increased financial support. Specifically, pray for churches and individuals to whom we can present the exciting and vital work of equipping the leaders of the church in the Majority World.
-God’s continued encouragement and times of respite as we care for our elderly parents. Pray especially for Susan while I am gone.
-Ask God to give safety in travel and to bless His Word as I travel to Bolivia. I leave the U.S. this Friday (11/4), and will return home early Tuesday morning, November 15th. Watch for the field report after I return.

For Christ's Kingdom,