Hope: Say His Name
Speaker: Jim Coffield Series: Topical Sermons Topic: 1 Peter Passage: 1 Peter 3:15–16
Our hope is not based on optimism or psychology. Our hope is based on theological Truth that we belong to a God who doesn't lie, a God who has made promises we can count on. Our hope is in a Person and His promises, not in principles and our practices.
other sermons in this series
Aug 11
The Importance of the Church
Speaker: Seth Hammond Passage: Hebrews 10:19–25 Series: Topical Sermons
Jul 14
Crying Out in Distress
Speaker: Seth Hammond Series: Topical Sermons
May 12
Living Under the Gaze of God
Speaker: Joel McCall Passage: Psalm 139:1–24 Series: Topical Sermons