The Conversion of a Soul
Speaker: Aaron Halbert Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Luke Passage: Luke 19:1–10
When we come to know Jesus, it changes us in certain ways for the glory of Christ. This should be what's going on in our lives: we should be hating sin and running to Christ, we should be loving our neighbors, we should long that people would come into contact with this Jesus and be transformed by the saving work of Jesus Christ.
other sermons in this series
Aug 11
The Importance of the Church
Speaker: Seth Hammond Passage: Hebrews 10:19–25 Series: Topical Sermons
Jul 14
Crying Out in Distress
Speaker: Seth Hammond Series: Topical Sermons
May 12
Living Under the Gaze of God
Speaker: Joel McCall Passage: Psalm 139:1–24 Series: Topical Sermons