A Radical Reversal
Speaker: Andrew Halbert Series: Esther Topic: Esther Passage: Esther 6:14– 7:10
"At this point in the story, I can imagine Haman nearly choking on his wine as he hears the words of his own decree on the lips of the queen as she exposes his plan to the king."
-Andrew Halbert
other sermons in this series
Aug 4
A Fitting, but not Final, Resolution
Speaker: Andrew Halbert Passage: Esther 9:20– 10:3 Series: Esther
Jul 28
God is for His People
Speaker: Seth Hammond Passage: Esther 9:1–19 Series: Esther
Jul 21
A Plan for Deliverance
Speaker: Seth Hammond Passage: Esther 8:1–17 Series: Esther