Seven Years in Honduras

May 4th was the day we had been in Honduras 7 years. May 7th was 14 years that we had moved to MX. THANK YOU! THANK YOU to all of you - if you just joined the team or if you have stuck by us for 14 years. We do consider this a team. We just happen to be the ones who get the honor and privilege to be on the front lines of God's Kingdom Building in Honduras. You are just as important and we want you to know that we love and appreciate you.

Here is a little video that I put together for one of our supporting churches. Thought I would send it to all our church contacts.

If you haven't heard yet, we will be taking a very mini HMA this summer. Abigail and Rebekah are leaving Honduras and moving back to the States. Abigail will be in college at Mary Hardin Baylor in TX. Rebekah will be living with a host family from Westminister in Clinton SC. Our schedule is super tight. We wish we could visit all of our supporters. Please know, that due to John's position (and now that the girls will be in the States), we travel frequently to the States. If you ever want us to come and visit your church or attend your missions conference, please don't hesitate to ask.

We will be attending the MTW Global Mission conference in Dallas in the fall. PLEASE go. And please let's get together while you are there!

God Bless You All! Please pass along our 'hellos' to the church!

Kathy Clow