As the body of Christ, when one part of our city is broken, hurting or in need, all of us are affected. Too many people and systems in our area are in need. Furthermore, many whom God would use to address the physical needs of our city are broken and in need as well. It's just not as visible from the outside.
Working as an agent of reconciliation, KLF works to bring Christ's broken body together, in all its diversity, to address its own issues by serving each other through love and good deeds.
The Knoxville Leadership Foundation serves the Knoxville area by connecting communities of resource with communities of need while reconciling people to Jesus Christ and to each other.
To see our city transformed by announcing, demonstrating and replicating the Kingdom of God.
KLF is a member of Leadership Foundations of America, a national network of local faith-based organizations that mobilize leaders from all walks of life to tackle our cities' biggest problems. For more information, click here for the KLF website.