Guests who have been visiting at Christ Covenant and who want to learn our church are invited to attend a GUEST LUNCH on Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 12:15pm. Our Lead Pastor and his wife, Seth & Stephanie Hammond, will be hosting this luncheon in the Adult Classroom area. Please join us and also meet more of our staff to learn about their ministries. Sign up here.
Those interested in making Christ Covenant their church home are encouraged to attend our NEW MEMBERS CLASS! These classes take place several times annually. The next class being offered is on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30pm on February 26, March 5, 12, and 26. Seth Hammond, our lead pastor, teaches on such topics as spiritual growth, spiritual gifts, doctrines of the church as well as the goals, vision, and philosophy of ministry of Christ Covenant.
New Members Class is a great way to find out about our church's history and beliefs, as well as how you can become personally involved at Christ Covenant. A nursery is provided for infants-3rd grade.
Contact Jan Doll at for more information or sign up here.
There is no obligation to join for those who attend the class. However, if you do decide to unite with our church, Seth will direct you how to do so on the last day of the class. For more information, contact the church office by phone (865-671-1885) or email.