Our Women’s Ministry centers around studying God’s Word, while building life-giving relationships with other women in the church. We seek to encourage one another in the steadfastness of our faith in Christ as we are “rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith.” (Colossians 2:5-7)

a thin line


Studies for our winter/spring semester begin the week of January 13th. Click HERE for details and sign up!  


Discipleship includes three sections that help us love God with all our heart, mind, and strength.

Section One is The Creed: Foundations of the Christian Faith
In the Creed we focus on building a head of knowledge and what a disciple of Jesus must believe and affirm. 
Section Two is The Battle:  Challenges of the Christian Faith. 
In The Battle we focus primarily on building a heart of passion.  We will look at how a disciple of Jesus fights a battle every day against Satan, against the world, and against the flesh. We discuss how a disciple must lean on the Holy Spirit in her everyday life. 
Section Three is The Disciplines: Practices of the Christian Faith. 
In The Disciplines we focus primarily on building hands of service.  We will look at how a disciple of Jesus must engage in spiritual disciplines to strengthen her relationship with Jesus and become more like Him. 

Time Commitment:
• Factoring in various breaks throughout the year, discipleship generally takes 12-18 months. There are 32 lessons.
• Classes are typically 1.5 hours, depending on the size of the group.
• Women can be discipled in a small group or one on one.  

Sign up HERE if you’re interested in a Group or One-on-One Discipleship.

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Guess who's coming to tea 2025Guess Who’s Coming to Tea? - Saturday, January 25th at 2:00pm
You’re invited to a tea party at the home of a Christ Covenant woman on Saturday, January 25th at 2:00pm.  Six to eight other women will be in attendance, but you won’t know who’s coming to tea until you arrive! You’ll be contacted by your hostess that week and she’ll provide directions to her home and let you know what you can bring. What a fun way to meet other women in our church! SIGN UP IS CLOSED. 


mission conference 5Annual Missions Luncheon – Saturday, February 22
As part of our Missions Conference, the Annual Women’s Luncheon will be held on Saturday, Feb. 22 at 12:00pm.  We’ll enjoy a delicious lunch from Apple Cake Tea Room and hear from several of the women our church supports who are on the mission field. Sign up here. 



THe art of homemaking for websiteThe Art of Homemaking – Saturday, March 29, 1:00-4:00pm
Women and girls (ages 10+) are invited to join us for an afternoon of workshops on many of the lost arts that make your house a home.  You can choose from workshops that may include things such as mending, sewing, knitting, and meal planning to name a few!  Check back for specific details and let us know if you have interest in teaching a workshop. Click here to sign up!


women's retreat 2025Retreat at Eagle Rock, Friday, May 2 – Sunday, May 4
Sarah Ivill, author of The God Who Hears: How the Story of the Bible Shapes Our Prayers will be on hand to teach us a biblical, theological way to pray.

We’ll also enjoy great food, wonderful fellowship, and the majesty of God’s creation as the mountains burst with fresh, Spring colors!  You won’t want to miss this special time!  Click here to register. Other details will be coming soon!


Widowed or single women (age 55+) who are living alone are invited to join together one evening a month and be Rekindled through a time of fellowship, ministry, and encouragement. 

If you or someone you know is interested in attending or if you know of a recent widow in need of help and support, please contact the church office at 865-671-1885 or email Susan Horn at shorn@christcov.org.


This ministry exists to ease the painful burden of divorce. The team will include someone who has experienced divorce and a deacon. They will meet once every other month.  The team primarily focuses on these six areas: Spiritual Encouragement, Family Support, Legal Concerns, Financial Issues, Housing Challenges, and Holiday and Social Fellowship. 

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2


Groups meet once a week on Thursdays at 9am to pray for revival in our hearts, the church, and our nation.


book clubBOOK CLUB 
The group will meet once a month to discuss books, primarily Gospel oriented non-fiction and biographies.  Meetings are from 7:00-8:30pm. Dates for 2025 coming soon.  

Sign up here if you are interested in joining the book club. 

 a thin line


BACKPACK MINISTRY  COLOSSIAN event backpack min2 food
Once a month, we will join Compassion Ministries to pack food for needy students of Farragut Primary and Intermediate Schools.  We will package food that can be inconspicuously placed in student backpacks each Friday during the school year.  Compassion is housed at Cornerstone Church of God, 12813 Kingston Pike. We will meet there once a month to pack food for students. We meet there from 1:00-2:00pm to pack food on:
Thursday, January 16
Thursday, February 13
Thursday, March 13
Thursday, April 10 

Visitation Ministry 
Visit the elderly or disabled connected to Christ Covenant. There are a number of our members or family members of our church members who live in local nursing homes or are in long-term care facilities that would love to have a listening ear. You can serve by meeting with them regularly, praying for them, and listening to them. If you have questions regarding our Visitation Ministry or would like to join this ministry, please contact Susan Horn.



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CookbookCOOKBOOKS available: In 2012, the Women's Ministry compiled a wonderful cookbook of recipes and we've ordered reprints of the book! Cookbooks are $10 and are on sale now. Cookbooks can be purchased at the table in the Women's Ministry office.


Our Mandate as Women: Titus 2:3-4 "Older women....are to teach what is good, and so train younger women to love their husbands and children."

A FINAL STAFF BUTTONS womenWomen's Ministry Staff
Susan Horn, Women's Ministry Director
Stephanie Hammond, Women's Ministry Assistant
To learn more about any of these ministries, please contact the church office at 865-671-1885 or email Susan Horn (shorn@christcov.org).

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