Christ Covenant seeks to KNOW, LOVE, and SERVE ... our Missions Partners staff!

Love one another with brotherly affection [as members of one family],
giving precedence and showing honor to one another. Romans 12:10 (Amplified Bible)

  • Learn about our international staff's ministry, sending agency, and family.
  • Send them an email/card/letter of encouragement.
  • Advocate for their work in your small group.
  • Remember them in prayer.

a thin line
Click here
for UPDATES from our missionaries in our blog
"Reports From the Mission Field."
a thin line

How to Pray for Missionaries 

All of our missionaries, whether they have been serving for years or just a few months, always face the need for preparation in all areas of life.  Read "Praying for Missionaries" by Andy Halbert. 

International Staff by World Regions

John and Kathy Clow - HONDURAS, Mission to the World
Aaron and Rachel Halbert - HONDURAS, Mission to the World
Alex and Maggie Halbert - HONDURAS, Mission to the World

Marc and Denise - GREECE, TEAM
Andrew - ENGLAND, Pioneers
Philip and Joy Kirkland - ATHENS, GREECE, Mission to the World
Eric and Beth Yodis, UKRAINE, World Venture
Fawsy and Linda - JORDAN, Pioneers
Jason and Kim Rennich - PORTUGAL, TEAM

Thomas and Jennifer McIntyre - TAIWAN, OMF International
Kishor and Sikha Pandagade - INDIA, Advancing Native Missions

George Bayabagambi - UGANDA, Advancing Native Missions/Equipping Leaders International
Joel and Sarah McCall - EAST AFRICA, Equipping Leaders International (ELI)

Jonah - Frontiers, USA

North America Staff

Lee and Jen Ledbetter - RUF International University of Tennessee Knoxville
Mike and Carrie Meisenheimer - Campus Outreach, Clemson
Tammy Murden - Navigators
Bekah Ochs - New International
Hank and Gloria Radar - Crossroads Chapel
Matthew and Kelly Rogers - Tri-Grace Ministries


The Missions ministry of Christ Covenant has developed two strategic partnerships over the last several years that focus on two of our mission priorities: 1. Directing our efforts toward those who have less opportunity to hear the gospel, and 2. The training of national pastors and leaders.

Partnership with Equipping Leaders International touches both priorities. The most recent opportunity is our involvement in the creation of Africa Hope University in Rwanda that will offer local pastors the government required education and training that will allow them to serve as pastors and church leaders. ​

Our developing partnership with the Polis Network in Athens Greece also touches both priorities. This is a Greek initiated and managed church planting effort that helps identify and train godly pastors and leaders and then sends them out to start new churches. Three churches have already started and most recently Christ Covenant has been requested to help the newest church start up. We are already financially invested and have been there with on-site help on mission trips.

Equipping Leaders International - AFRICA
Polis Church Planting Network - ATHENS, GREECE
Missional Living - KNOXVILLE, TN