FEB 1, 2017

The Lord answered prayer by bringing everyone in to Kigali, Rwanda on time with their luggage on Sat and early Sunday morning. We left for a 6 hr trip by vehicle to the border of the DRCongo and began a five day Romans course on Monday.

Dave Forbes, Matt Bradley and Joel McCall have been teaching and the Lord has been moving. We have a session of instruction, followed by questions, then they meet in Small Groups to discuss the material. A man is appointed to stand and give a summary of the instruction to verify that the content is understood. Each summary has been outstanding. They have grasped the material well.

Today we were in the hardest chapters thus far and the place exploded with debate, discussion, questions. We had at least 1.5 hrs of questions. It was amazing to see them assimilating, clarifying and stating the Biblical content.

We are all humbled by this experience and looking forward to each day. Please keep praying. A person at Christ Covenant donated funds to purchase Study Bibles in the Swahili language, when these were presented, they were overjoyed beyond anything we expected. These treasures of God's Word with commentary and resources will be used to transform not just pastors but churches to which they preach and teach. Praise God.
