9:30 am
A SIMPLE THEOLOGY - 20 BASIC CHRISTIAN BELIEFS led by Jim Coffield - Classrooms A/B
The beauty of the Christian faith is that it is simple enough for a six-year-old to know the basic theological truths of faith, yet so complex that scholars will stay up all night discovering, learning, and debating some concepts. In this class we will look at twenty basic simple truths of the Christian faith from a leading systematic theology textbook. It will be a chance to remember and possibly relearn some of the basic beliefs of Christianity.
THE BOOK OF JOB led by David Forbes - Classrooms E
When most people summarize the book of Job, the words chosen by most is "the patience of Job". The book of Job far exceeds that theme. We will look at the magnificence of God, the complexity of suffering, how to walk with others that are in the midst of suffering, and God’s complete control of every molecule in the universe, including Satan.
11:00 am
In Luke 14, Jesus tells his followers to count the cost of following Him. Follwing Jesus isn't cheap. But it results in the most precious prize ever known.
THE SEVEN CHURCHES OF REVELATION led by Joel McCall and Paul Fitzgerald - Classrooms C/D
In this class, we will see how the Redeemer-Healer gives us a diagnosis regarding the condition of His churches - then and now.
THE BOOK OF JUDE led by Chris Jaeger - Classrooms E
The book of Jude, written by a half brother of Jesus, is an appropriate study for our day. Jude's focus is on the fact that Christians do not have the freedom to do anything outside the will of Jesus. Alistair Begg said, "Churches may welcome people just as they are, but not if they decide to stay as they are. " We are to defend the faith we learn from Jesus revealed in His Word, contending for the faith against those who would challenge the Word of God.