Good Friday Service

April 15, 2022

7:00pm – 8:00pm

COLOSSIAN event good friday image

Worship with us in the special service that marks the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus. It is called "good" because of what Jesus' death mean for the redemption of the world. Special music, Scripture readings, and a message from Dr. Jim Coffield. 
If you cannot attend in person, we will live stream our service on our YouTube channel and Facebook page.

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We also invite you to our Easter Sunday services  (8:00, 9:30, and 11:00a.m. with NO Sunday classes). Music by members of the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra as well as our worship choir, band, and vocal team. (There is NO nursery at the 8:00 service.) For those who cannot attend in person, our 11am service will be live streamed on our YouTube Channel and Facebook page.