Feb 5th Worship Services

February 5, 2023

9:30am – 12:00pm

COLOSSIAN event worship hand image

Worship with us in person Sunday morning at 9:30 or 11:00 (See schedule below.) Or worship with us as we live stream our 11:00am service on YouTube and Facebook!

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We have 2 Sunday morning worship services:  9:30 and 11a.m.
Nursery (Infant thru Pre-K) are provided during 9:30 and 11a.m. worship services.
Elementary students (K-5th grade), Middle School and High School students meet for Sunday School at 9:30am.
Children's Church for Kindergarten through 2nd grade meets at 11a.m. Children are released from Worship Service before the sermon begins to attend Children's Church.
Adult Sunday classes 
are available during the 9:30 and 11:00a.m. hours.
Prayer opportunities are available after each of our morning worship service.
Our 11 a.m. service is also streamed live on YouTube and Facebook.