
At the end of the year we often look back to see what return there was on our investments, often in the financial realm. We can do it in our spiritual lives as well as our ministries. Here is a thumbnail sketch of what happened at CIT in 2016. These numbers say nothing of the impact in the trainees minds and hearts but it was significant! Through your involvement you are an important player in these results!


Spiritual Warfare
“I felt this heavy weight on my chest in bed last night and I could barely move under my covers. I sensed a ‘presence’ in my room. It was scary. I could not sleep.” As often happens when we are teaching on spiritual warfare strange things happen on our campus. This provided a great hands-on learning experience for these single girls in our housing. The teacher of that content and I (George) went over and prayed for her and over the room with the other gals asking the Lord to remove any demonic presence or oppression in that place. That next night all was well and there was no more harassment from spiritual forces. Missionaries face the enemy in various ways and it is important they are prepared to do battle. We were able to model spiritual warfare together.

Responses to the Winter Training
Came to CIT because my agency required it. Changed my mind after the first 30 minutes of our first day. It was worth it all. We are so glad we came! – Mongolia
Would recommend without hesitation. As a believer and bible student whose major was ministry, while I would never say “I’ve learned it all,” my life and actions said something different. Humility came to me like a tsunami here at CIT and I’m so glad it did. I have so much to learn. – Costa Rica
Our time at CIT went above and beyond our expectations. God used the information that was communicated so well in the right environment, to grow us in more ways than we can imagine. We’ve been preparing for missions for many years – but this was the single-most formative thing we have done. - Thailand
Comments about the kid’s program:
Great experience
Staff – Giving Love & Direction
Well Cared For w/ Structure and Intentionality

Growth Demands
The training ministry of CIT continues to expand through increased enrollment, development of online courses, and the emergence of CIT Global taking shape. Our staff continues to grow and the facilities are being utilized to capacity. This ministry is transforming from a small into a larger entity. We see this as God’s hand of blessing.

We are getting numerous requests for people wanting to be on our staff and this takes quite a bit of time processing these wonderful folks. We can’t use everyone so difficult decisions must sometimes be made.

George is sensing he needs to spend increased time outside the classroom and more time on managing strategic direction and major fund development. This is a challenge as he enjoys the day-to-day life with the participants. Please pray for wisdom as he processes how best to use his time for maximum benefit and impact for the future of CIT.

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 sch3  Thanks!!
We continue to be so grateful for your many prayers and gifts, which enables us to participate in this very fruitful worldwide ministry. We are incredibly grateful! We feel so enriched by the relationships developed over the years with you who encourage us in so many ways.