Jesus came to bring peace.  By His sacrifice and resurrection we are declared righteous and have the assurance of eternal life.  As believers we are to proclaim Jesus as Savior and relieve physical suffering when we have the opportunity.

After Hurricane Matthew devastated parts of Haiti, one resident of Dame Marie (a town on the westernmost coast of Haiti) expresser her distress: "I don't know how people are going to feed themselves. The vegetation is completely wiped out.  No mango trees. No breadfruit trees. No coconut trees.  No almond trees.  Not only are they a source of income, they are also a source of food for many, many people. Mangoes are a huge source of food when it's mango season.  There are no mango trees left."

MAF is in a unique position to connect people to lasting physical and spiritual hope for both the short-term and for the years of rebuilding to come.  MAF has five families and three aircraft based in Haiti.  Many of the communities affected by the hurricane have airstrips that MAF already serves.  In addition to the five MAF families and three aircraft already based in Haiti, an extra Kodiak (photo right) and some short-term staff have been sent to help with the surge of relief flying.

Together in Him,

  Steve and CarolLehman-December-2016