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When Stephanie & I were first married, it seemed like every married couple with young kids would come to us and say, "Take your time before you have kids because your lives will dramatically change." They would always say that they wouldn't change being parents for the world, but life would be completely different. I never knew exactly what they meant until now.
Here are 10 things people don't tell you about parenting..
1) You will become a cleaning service.
When infants become toddlers, they go on a rampage. They will pick up something and within seconds, throw it on the floor. Then they're on to the next item. They don't realize the mess they're making, and they don't care. It's pretty entertaining to watch, but there's a lot of picking up to do.
2) Your TV Shows will consist of Dora The Explorer, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, & Doc McStuffins.
The days of Sportscenter, Lifetime Movies (my wife, of course), and Reality Shows are over. Welcome Disney Channel and PBS Kids.
3) The Rock-n-Roll days are over; Nursery Rhymes & Kid's Songs begin.
Instead of jamming to Top 40 or listening to Talk Radio, the sounds of kid's choirs will rule the airwaves.
4) Beware of picture-taking!
And you thought you had to take a lot of pictures at Prom and your Wedding. You ain't seen nothing yet!
5) Breastfeeding is a normal part of conversation.
I have learned more about this topic than I care to. I had no idea there was so much to it.
6) You look forward to going to bed at 9 PM.
Instead of going out on the town or staying up late to watch a movie, by the time 9 PM rolls around, you're ready to hit the sack. By the way, the days of not wanting to take a nap are over. Now you jump at the idea!
7) You'll get to know the Pediatrician's first name.
From runny noses to high fevers, you will get to know your kid's doctor very well (BTW, our Pediatrician's name is Stephanie).
8) It's easy to forget you have a spouse.
This is a warning. Don't forget who and why you married. Spend time on dates; ensure you take moments out of each day with uninterrupted time to talk to your spouse. When it comes to intimacy, you have to be intentional. The #1 thing your kids need is for your marriage to be healthy.
9) It's expensive & priceless at the same time.
Medical expenses, milk, diapers, clothes, and toys can be pricey. Don't let this be a deterrent from having kids. I'm telling you, no money can amount to investing in precious lives.
10) There is nothing more rewarding.
The more you serve your kids, the more you love them. This is true for me. Besides my love for my Savior and my wife, I love my kids more than anything in this world. I have grown to enjoy cleaning after them, making them food, and getting them dressed (well, not doing their hair) because they are my kids.
Being a parent is the most influential role you can have on someone's life. Parents can really make or break their kids. It's a privilege and honor to raise children because children are a gift and reward from God (Psalm 127:3-5). It is our duty to raise them in the ways of God (Proverbs 22:6). We are investing in the future, and it's an opportunity to impact our next generation.
Am I glad Stephanie and I had two years before our first was born? Yes. Am I glad I have two beautiful girls and a boy on the way? Absolutely!
Susan Moore Jan 15, 2015 @ 7:19 pm
Totally should have used a picture of your family at the end to help us see the whole picture!! Good advise .....Will pass this on to Alan & Erica. Every age has it's blessings & it's difficulties but we absolutely remember the good times and cherish them!! Being a Grandmother is even MORE fun......
Susan Moore Jan 15, 2015 @ 7:18 pm
Totally should have used a picture of your family at the end to help us see the whole picture!! Good advise .....Will pass this on to Alan & Erica. Every age has it's blessings & it's difficulties but we absolutely remember the good times
Debbie Clark Jan 15, 2015 @ 6:25 pm
Seth and Stephanie,
I always said it is the hardest job you will ever have. I managed to survive raising four children can identify with all 10 things. You will survive it all and look back and wonder how! Now I really enjoy my grandchildren. Can't wait till you do too. Congratulations on your up coming new bundle of joy.
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